The Forever Song Blood of Eden Julie Kagawa Books

The Forever Song Blood of Eden Julie Kagawa Books
The Forever Song drops us back into Allie’s world right where we left off. Her love was tortured to death at the hands of her greatest enemy and she struggles to function towards any other purpose other than revenge. For a good chunk of the first act in this story she struggles to find something to ground her to the humanity she tried so hard to salvage. We see her slowly turning herself into the monster vampire she fought so hard against while Zeke was alive losing her path as they travel through the night to take down Sarren. Jackle serves as the only comedic relief in this story and only if you find annoying and heartless somehow enduring.I don’t know how to accurately review this book without giving away a spoiler because this “surprise” was so integral to Allison’s story. When we get to Old Chicago thinking we are about to get a glance at Sarren I had only on thought going through my mind…It is WAY too early in the story for us to already be facing off against the crazed vampire. I know something was about to happen and I had a strong feeling I knew what it was, and I was right. Zeke is alive! Well…sort of…rather he is undead. Sarren has Turned him into a vampire whose mind has been so damaged that he can’t see/feel anything that Sarren doesn’t want to. Here is where I lodge the first of only a few complaints; Allie seems to bring him back from this fractured mindset very quickly. There were really only a handful of pages between when we find out that he is a vampire whose mind I damaged and appears to be evil and then suddenly Allie has brought him back and he is normal Zeke…tormented by the fact he’s undead and ashamed of the things he did while Sarren was controlling him, but Zeke none-the-less.
This all brings me to the second and final thing that I found fault in. A huge part of the narrative is the struggle that Allie and Zeke both go through over the fact that they are vampires, each for slightly different reasons, but it all boils down to very similar things. They wallow and they whine and they struggle and they slip and fall and then…they climb their way out of that hole super quick and I’m left sitting there like…two paragraphs ago you were hating yourself and the world and now you’re good?
Honestly those two things were the only thing that bothered me about the book other than that I loved every minute of it. It was a very satisfying end of this series. Oh, and that thing I said about Jackle earlier? Well let’s just say I love his story just as much as any other character in this book. In fact, Kagawa does a fantastic job with all four of our main characters balancing and building each of them very well (with the exception of previously noted complaints.)
I would recommend this to any fan of vampire stories, love stories, stories about the end of humanity or just anyone who likes to read!

Tags : The Forever Song (Blood of Eden) (9780373211128): Julie Kagawa: Books,Julie Kagawa,The Forever Song (Blood of Eden),Harlequin Teen,0373211120,Dystopian,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Fantasy,Fantasy fiction,Horror fiction,Horror stories,Horror stories.,Horror tales,Revenge,Revenge;Fiction.,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,10018601,115026X,20140501,707220,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Futuristic; Post-apocalyptic; Vampire; Young Adult; Action; Adventure; Dark; Fantasy; Fantasy series; Romance; Supernatural; teen; teen books; teen fantasy; Teen Series; YA; ya books; YA Fantasy; young adult books; Young adult fantasy,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Paranormal,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Revenge,Revenge;Fiction.,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult;Action;Adventure;Dark;Fantasy;Fantasy series;Futuristic;Post-apocalyptic;Romance;Supernatural;teen;teen books;teen fantasy;Teen Series;Vampire;YA;ya books;YA Fantasy;young adult books;Young adult fantasy,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
The Forever Song Blood of Eden Julie Kagawa Books Reviews
For YEARS I have been suggesting this series by Julie Kagawa to friends, patrons and family members because I adored the first and second books. I had bought the final book in the trilogy but didn't jump right into it for various reasons - mainly because I like to savour a series and sometimes don't want it to end. This was the case with the Immortal Rules series.
In the first two books Kagawa builds a unique, detailed and ruthless backdrop for her characters. She fills pages with intense action, strong and diverse characters you care about, a good dose of humour (I do so love Jackal!) and some rather amazing twists and cliff hangers. The energy level is high throughout to keep the reader riveted.
Unfortunately, The Forever Song was lacking some of the action that I came to love in the previous books and became more about teenage angst. Compared to the first two books, Forever Song is more romance than dystopian action. It's not that it's a bad finale, it's just not as strong as I would have hoped for one of my favourite series.
The difference in this book is the energy. There's still lots of action but the bulk of the book feels like a lot of traveling with intermittent rabid attacks leaving the plot to feel quite slow and almost tedious with the teenage love angst at the forefront. Too much time was spent repeating this combination of travel/attack/angst instead of adding some unique twist as they search for the cure. The big cure that everyone is on the hunt for was too convenient and fit in right at the end as an easy way to wrap things up fast. Meanwhile, I was left feeling a little let down.
While I still loved seeing Jackal (king of the snarky wise cracks) he couldn't carry this book alone and I can't say that this final book lived up to the previous two books in the trilogy. It's a decent ending to a fabulous series.
The Forever Song drops us back into Allie’s world right where we left off. Her love was tortured to death at the hands of her greatest enemy and she struggles to function towards any other purpose other than revenge. For a good chunk of the first act in this story she struggles to find something to ground her to the humanity she tried so hard to salvage. We see her slowly turning herself into the monster vampire she fought so hard against while Zeke was alive losing her path as they travel through the night to take down Sarren. Jackle serves as the only comedic relief in this story and only if you find annoying and heartless somehow enduring.
I don’t know how to accurately review this book without giving away a spoiler because this “surprise” was so integral to Allison’s story. When we get to Old Chicago thinking we are about to get a glance at Sarren I had only on thought going through my mind…It is WAY too early in the story for us to already be facing off against the crazed vampire. I know something was about to happen and I had a strong feeling I knew what it was, and I was right. Zeke is alive! Well…sort of…rather he is undead. Sarren has Turned him into a vampire whose mind has been so damaged that he can’t see/feel anything that Sarren doesn’t want to. Here is where I lodge the first of only a few complaints; Allie seems to bring him back from this fractured mindset very quickly. There were really only a handful of pages between when we find out that he is a vampire whose mind I damaged and appears to be evil and then suddenly Allie has brought him back and he is normal Zeke…tormented by the fact he’s undead and ashamed of the things he did while Sarren was controlling him, but Zeke none-the-less.
This all brings me to the second and final thing that I found fault in. A huge part of the narrative is the struggle that Allie and Zeke both go through over the fact that they are vampires, each for slightly different reasons, but it all boils down to very similar things. They wallow and they whine and they struggle and they slip and fall and then…they climb their way out of that hole super quick and I’m left sitting there like…two paragraphs ago you were hating yourself and the world and now you’re good?
Honestly those two things were the only thing that bothered me about the book other than that I loved every minute of it. It was a very satisfying end of this series. Oh, and that thing I said about Jackle earlier? Well let’s just say I love his story just as much as any other character in this book. In fact, Kagawa does a fantastic job with all four of our main characters balancing and building each of them very well (with the exception of previously noted complaints.)
I would recommend this to any fan of vampire stories, love stories, stories about the end of humanity or just anyone who likes to read!

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