This Is What Happy Looks Like Jennifer E Smith Books

This Is What Happy Looks Like Jennifer E Smith Books
Two teenager meet when he sends an email to a friend but the address is off by a bit so she receives it in error and they start a sweet email correspondence. She has no idea he's a teenage heartthrob until he ends up filming in her little town in Maine. But she's harboring a secret as well and any publicity could jeopardize the simple quiet life she's leading--one her mother has worked so hard to protect.I'm not usually a YA reader but liked the concept of famous person/small town girl. It kept my interest and was great to get me out of a fairly long reading slump. There were too many stereotypes and an ambivalent ending. But all in all a worthwhile read.

Tags : This Is What Happy Looks Like (9780316212823): Jennifer E. Smith: Books,Jennifer E. Smith,This Is What Happy Looks Like,Poppy,0316212822,Family - General,Romance - General,Social Themes - Dating & Sex,Actors and actresses,Actors and actresses;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Issues),JUVENILE FICTION Social Issues Dating & Sex,Love,Love;Fiction.,Maine,Online dating,Online dating;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Performing Arts - Film,Social Themes - Dating & Relationships,TEEN'S FICTION - COMING OF AGE,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult Fiction Performing Arts Film,Young Adult Fiction Romance Contemporary,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Dating & Sex,Young Adult FictionFamily - General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult FictionPerforming Arts - Film,Young Adult FictionRomance - Contemporary,Love & Romance,Performing Arts - Film,Social Themes - Dating & Relationships,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult Fiction Performing Arts Film,Young Adult Fiction Romance Contemporary,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Dating & Sex,Young Adult FictionFamily - General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult FictionPerforming Arts - Film,Young Adult FictionRomance - Contemporary,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage)
This Is What Happy Looks Like Jennifer E Smith Books Reviews
So, I picked up this book with the thought that it was probably going to be majorly corny. By the end of this book I was pleasantly surprised to find I actually liked this book. This is What Happy Look Like has one cheese, cheese, cheesy plot line.
The story starts when a young Hollywood star accidentally emails the wrong person about walking his pet pig. Then the person he emails responds to let him know that he got wrong address and just happens to be a seventeen year old girl. They start an online pen pal relationship never sharing personal details like last names, just hopes and dreams. The first couple of pages of the book is told in their emails. Then Graham has to go on location to shoot his new movie and he just happens to convince the director to go to the small Maine town where Ellie lives so he can meet the girl who has helped bring him back down to earth after getting lost in the Hollywood glitz and glamour. The plot line is basically a teen version of You've Got Mail meets Knotting Hill.
I am here to tell you don't let that scare you away because this book is about so more than a Hollywood star falling in love with an average girl. This is not a Cinderella story. This story is about a summer of self discovery. It is about forgiveness. It is about the truth and reality of a summer romance. Ellie is hiding secrets of own about her father's identity. With the help of Graham and his life in the spotlight she has to face those secrets. I liked how she come to terms and takes some baby steps toward the path that leads to her father. She is able to begin her own healing processes for wounds she didn't even know were still open.
I liked how Graham has problems of his own because he is estranged from his parents because for him acting is a career. For his parents, it's like the trip across Europe every eighteen or seventeen year old takes before going to college. Maybe Graham will go to college and maybe he won't but I liked how he is able to take baby steps back on the road towards his family. I liked that Ellie doesn't treat him like a movie star. I liked that she is able to see past, after a while, and remember the guy who emailed her because for this summer they need each other, the friendship and understanding that each brings to table to move on and grow.
So, I liked this book a lot because it was so real. I liked that it didn't end with empty promises of declarations of forever love. I liked that things are not completely resolved with their parents. Both Graham and Ellie are only seventeen and they have the rest of their lives for forever love and healing. This book is about possibilities and I like that it ends with a whole world of them, leaving the reader, me to imagine them all. This is What Happy Looks Like left me floating on a nice cloud of happy.
After reading The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (tell me that isn't the longest and most complicated YA title to spell lol) last year I was pretty excited to get my hands on This is What Happy Looks Like cause really, what does it look like?! Pitched as relatable to You've Got Mail I was pretty much all over it. Also, can we take a moment to admire that cover? I swear, Jennifer E. Smith has the most --- what is the word I'm looking for --- intriguing looking covers without it being too much. Like I just want to pick it up and look at stare at it!
This is What Happy Looks Like is about a boy named Graham who has a pet pig, prefers his own company oh and did I mention he's a well known heartthrob celebrity? It's also about Ellie, a girl from a small town living with her mom who dreams of going to Harvard to study poetry.
Sadly I don't really have anything to say about this read. There were things I didn't understand, like why Graham reacted on his excitement to see Ellie without thinking about who was around or what may or may not happen considering he's surrounded by people. Or why Ellie's best friend was such a b**** the majority of the time.
I guess I didn't really feel that build up within their friendship/relationship and I while I understood that Graham wanted to be a normal teenager sometimes with a normal life I didn't feel it. Unlike TSPoLaFS it didn't have a darker note to it or a deeper meaning. But it was an enjoyable read as something to end the summer with!
Two teenager meet when he sends an email to a friend but the address is off by a bit so she receives it in error and they start a sweet email correspondence. She has no idea he's a teenage heartthrob until he ends up filming in her little town in Maine. But she's harboring a secret as well and any publicity could jeopardize the simple quiet life she's leading--one her mother has worked so hard to protect.
I'm not usually a YA reader but liked the concept of famous person/small town girl. It kept my interest and was great to get me out of a fairly long reading slump. There were too many stereotypes and an ambivalent ending. But all in all a worthwhile read.

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