January Kills Me Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1 edition by Evan Katy Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

January Kills Me Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1 edition by Evan Katy Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
I did finish the book. I kept getting lost and rereading parts. It was a bit boring. I'd read it if I had nothing else to read.
Tags : January Kills Me (Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1) - Kindle edition by Evan Katy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading January Kills Me (Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1).,ebook,Evan Katy,January Kills Me (Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1),Evan Katy,FICTION Suspense,FICTION Romance Contemporary
January Kills Me Samantha Rialto Mysteries Book 1 edition by Evan Katy Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
First off, if you don't like a heavy dose of romance/romantic tension with your mysteries, stay clear of this one. This wasn't a bad story, per se, but the character development seemed...lacking. The main character is a music teacher, yet she hardly ever seems to be at school nor does the selection of music teacher seem to make sense given that the author never addresses the "musical" side to her personality. The decision to make several of the key characters Chinese is also an odd side-note given the spellings of their names and the lack of any cultural relevance. (Not wanting to give any spoilers, so these points may seem vague!)
And the ending! I actually thought I was missing part of the download. It felt like an "I ran out of steam" ending, but I think it was intended to carry tension into the next book...which I won't be purchasing. For 99 cents, I wasn't ripped off, but I wasn't wowed either.
I liked a lot of things about this book and some not so much. For the most part Samantha Rialto is a likable character. Quite a bit of humor along with the mystery here and I found myself actually laughing out loud a couple of times. Samantha's tendency to wallow in her pity party bugged me though, and it's the typical 'woman pushes all things good away' formula when it comes to the men/suitors. Samantha's background - cop father - suggest she should be more aware, more astute, more mature, etc. than she is. I really don't think it can all be blamed on an abusive marriage - to another cop. She just doesn't come off as someone raised in that life. I did like the book - and the plot - enough to try the next in this series 'A Bomb in February'...hopefully this next installment will bring about some growth for Samantha. I don't expect her to be super woman, but I do wish she'd act her age. This is not a early twenty year old - I believe she's in her thirties, maybe mid, and is a high school teacher! A couple of times I had a hard time relating this character to someone in charge of teenagers education. Nevertheless, I did like her enough to cut some slack at the circumstances that sucked her in by no fault of her own.
Samantha Rialto, middle school music teacher, is trying to pick up some extra cash after divorcing her abusive ex-cop husband. She has a fear of moths and tries hard to do the right thing but ends up making a mess of everything. She decides to employ her photographic skills by following cheating husbands and providing evidence to the wives. After witnessing the murder of a client's husband and his paid "date", she finds herself in a whole lot of trouble and on the run from a killer, who now wants her dead.
Evan Katy created a loveable and funny heroine who is surrounded by a cast people who could be your best friends. Sam finds herself in the middle of a mystery she wants nothing to do with but can't get away from because the Killer seems to be attacking everyone she knows or cares about. Ben Parker, Sam's ex husbands partner, cares for Sam but never asked the right questions when her ex-husband drunkenly killed another cop. They are now are forced together and he is asking the right questions causing Sam to tell him the truth about what happened to her marriage. Ben finds himself drawn to Sam hoping to keep her safe and hopefully a possible romance.
Sam has an inner monolog that seems to be vocalized causing the reader to laugh out loud and enjoy the funny places Sam finds herself.
There is a romance triangle but it’s more fun to read causing for some good laughs. Ben needs to wire Sam to figure out who might have murdered the man in the alley, but when someone tries to kill Sam, coming out of nowhere, she is reminded of Batman. The more Sam wants Ben out of her life the more he finds ways of being there.
Maxie, Sam's best friend, is every girl’s best friend and someone you want by you side though thick and thin. She is a strong person who keep Sam sane when she feels she is losing her mind and will protect Sam at all cost. Maxie is brilliant but also very feisty and wants nothing more than to kick someone butt to prove she is scary.
As I finished the book I was excited to find there were two more and I quickly bought them and enjoyed reading them from beginning and end and can't wait to see what happens next to Sam, Maxie, Ben and the rest of the cast who you can't help but fall in love with.
This book is a laugh out loud fun read with dark moments that are lighten with humor. The reader will find themselves reading this book over and over again. The reader will never guess who the murderer(s) are until the end of the book and even than she keeps you guessing until the last page. I couldn't put this book down even if I wanted to because it drew me in from the first chapter with the attack of the moth to the very end.
So many unexpected plot twists, I felt like I was on a literary roller-coaster. Some mystery, some intrigue, some comedy, then dealing with the after effects of alcoholism, divorce, throw in some romance... I just loved it. Laughed out loud, sometimes got misty eyed, but I was always going, "whoa, I didn't see THAT coming"
I heartily give this 5 stars and I'm looking forward to the next in what I hope will be a long line of stories about Sam. I hope it will not be limited to the next 11 months and then that's all we hear about Samantha Rialto.
An outstanding first novel, entertaining and complex, it just does not get any better than that.
I did finish the book. I kept getting lost and rereading parts. It was a bit boring. I'd read it if I had nothing else to read.

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